Ensure 100% attendance of your employees amidst Corona Outbreak!
The Corona outbreak has changed the entire world, creating the need for making the safety of your employees a priority. Safer workplace management and at the same time ensuring smooth operations is now a necessary action that has to be taken.
As the world recovers from the pandemic, here are 4 things you can do to ensure your employee’s well-being and smooth operations in your business:
Remote working is the future (at least for now!):
Despite all the endless statistics on how remote working has proven to be extremely productive, suddenly shifting paradigms could be tedious. Chalk out a plan for remote working that will be feasible for your business and your employees. Ensure everyone is equipped with enough resources to continue the work without hindrance. Try to plan activities to keep them inspired and involved even when working from home.
Clean, sanitised and touchless! (it’s a priority!):
Now that we are on the verge of resuming work, we have to be back with the utmost care. Regular sanitising and cleaning has to be done for safety. In this fight against COVID-19, the first step you should take is to make social distancing a regular affair. Start working in shifts! The most important step is to make your office premises touchless – as much as possible!
Installing face-based attendance system ensures a touchless experience for your employees. It not only replaces the very unhygienic fingerprint biometric system, but it also helps in keeping a tab on multiple ins and outs of the employees. This advance technology is befitting to every modern office space irrespective of a pandemic.
Be prepared (mask it up!):
Sanitisers and masks should be a must for everyone working. Be it the visitors or employees or admin staff, washing hands and constantly sanitising is a precaution that you should take. Rearrange your sitting arrangements to maintain social distancing (no more fights on the perfect chairs, PLEASE!). Measure body temperature daily could help in knowing the complete health status. Employees should put their masks on and remove it only when they’re eating. Use of technology can be helpful to achieve this, as different software comes with these types of features. Canteens and pantry should be cleaned to avoid any kind of contamination.
Empathy wins the race (not sympathy!):
In this difficult time, understand your employees. Be considerate of the facts that some of them are away from home while some are struggling to the internet going. As an employer, you should be more promising to your employees and take steps that are good for both, the business and employees. Salary cuts, furloughs and layoffs could demoralise your employees, so make sure your decisions are empathetic.
Take the necessary steps and resume work in a safe way! Let’s fight the pandemic with a heart!